
Student Event 2024

A dream came true when People Heart Business arranged an event gathering students from SSE, KTH, and psychology…

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Sustainable Impact at a UN Initiative

Read more about the launch of People Heart Business' collaboration with a United Nations initiative.

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Life at People Heart Business

Do you have to choose between pursuing your personal and professional dreams? We don't believe in choosing.

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Lead the Future 2023

Turning the severe challenges facing our society into solutions is an overwhelming task. Business leaders have a big…

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Diversity & inclusion – “Nice to have” or a business imperative?

Recently Allbright presented their report on Diversity in Swedish business. Even if the topic of diversity has become…

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Redefining Culture and navigating Change

One of our clients share, two years after our work ended, their view of the journey and what impact it has had since…

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Lead the future

In a time where the world is facing challenging times, we can’t rely on governments to take responsibility for driving…

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The temperature is rising – who do you become?

The pressure on our society has risen tremendously. The awakening about climate change, the pandemic, de-democratizing…

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Just want to start a revolution!

Two years ago, I founded the Embryo to People Heart Business. Few things have had such an impact on my life as this…

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